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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Charlotte Observer Gets Its Investigative Journalism Groove Back...Company Profits Back In The Black! (No Offense Anyone)

For the past two years citizens nationwide have heard about large Newspaper organizations shutting their doors.

Sadly this has been largely due to Contributory Negligence, in other words many of those companies contributed to their own demise.

In today's world of Sensationalism Reporting and Blogs, some Newspapers foolishly tried to compete with this trend and lost the battle.

Big Mistake!

Here's the wise path those Newspaper organizations should have taken:

Remained true to Real, Unbiased, Investigative Journalism and utilized Social Networking tools (Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, Youtube, etc.,).

Such practice is why some large papers such as the Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, etc., are still in existence.

Despite the success of Gossip/ Celebrity sites and blogs, most Americans still hold a great deal of respect for Real Investigative Journalism.

Well about a year ago the Charlotte Observer was almost banished to the "Newspaper Graveyard" like several of its peers.

You see due to Biased Journalism and Fluff reporting, the Charlotte Observer had somehow veered off its course and lost Public Confidence.

Readers don't mind a little fluff once in a while for entertainment purposes, but fluff doesn't take the place of Substantive News Reporting.

Thus lack of Unbiased, Substantive/ Investigative Journalism caused the Charlotte Observer's Subscriber/Readership to dangerously decline and Advertising was no longer pulling in big bucks.

In addition Loyal readers suddenly began turning to other sources for its daily news.

Why did so many of us jump ship?

We were angry and felt betrayed!

Local newspapers should help to create Strong, Whole, Integrated communities.

We felt since the Charlotte Observer refused to expose Obvious Corruption within North Carolina State Gov't, Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Gov't and Charlotte City Gov't or Charlotte-Meck. Public Schools, why should we remain loyal to its organization?

Now I know this may sound unrealistic and I may even sound a little crazy but THERE ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE CORRUPTION IN GOVERNMENT, is there?

Am I wrong or just out of this world delusional?

Citizens and Voters want to trust our Government and Political leaders.

Elected/Appointed Politicians and Leaders allowed to serve in Public Office, are put there by the people, and are supposed to be there for the people.

Thus when Corruption is discovered on any level, all Constituents should be informed, educated and made aware. Immediately!

Make us aware NOT with Biased reporting to remain in the Political good graces of State or Local leaders who choose to operate in Secrecy versus Transparency.

Instead open the floodgates, use the Freedom of Information Act to your advantage, give us the FACTS and let the chips fall where they may.

It doesn't matter if the Politicians and Leaders are African-American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, Male or Female, Highly Educated or no.

Don't hold back because inquiring minds want to know. Just let the chips fall where they may!

For example: Our country is in a Recession and we want to know how Gov't officials (Federal, State, County and City) are spending our Tax dollars or Public Funds.

We also have an upcoming Mayor's race. Let's make sure its a very clean Political race.
No Meck. County Board of Election tricks, no Special Interests Influence. Just a Fair, Clean Election from both the Democrat and Republican candidates.

This is the only way to keep Government clean or as clean as possible.

Prior to and after his election President Barack Obama ushered in a new age of Transparency and Accountability.

Thank you Charlotte Observer for following suit in that endeavor with unbiased, honest, open, thorough, interesting, Investigative Journalism.

Not just on the state and local level but nationally.

Will Charlotteans still read information and stories from other News
Sources (Huffington Post, Politico, MSNBC, etc,)?

Of course because we want another perspective on Global events. Especially voracious readers such as myself.

However..if satisfied with the Charlotte Observer's content no matter where we are, we'll always return for our daily dose of down home reporting.

Perhaps now I'll consider renewing my Subscription.

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Sources: Charlotte Observer, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Politico, MSNBC,,, NC General Assembly, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Perez Hilton,, Google Maps

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