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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Fallls, Injures Her Elbow In Route To White House


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fell and broke her elbow late Wednesday on the way to the White House.

"On the way to the White House late this afternoon, Secretary Clinton fell and suffered a right elbow fracture. She was treated at The George Washington University Hospital before heading home," Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills said in a statement.

"Secretary Clinton appreciates the professionalism and kindness she received from the medical team who treated her this evening and looks forward to resuming her full schedule soon."

The secretary of state was scheduled to attend an event Thursday morning in Washington with actress Angelina Jolie for World Refugee Day. The event has been removed from her schedule.

Clinton will have surgery next week to repair the break.

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Sources: Politico, Google Maps

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