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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Michelle Obama Responds To G.O.P. Activist's Gorilla Remarks....He Apologizes (I'd Still Sue!)

Well, well Mr. a*hole DePass (you all know I never, ever use profanity right?) has apologized for his ignorant "escaped gorilla" remarks about First Lady Michelle Obama.

Of course she responded, allbeit in a graceful, intelligent manner.

Its too late for him I'd still SUE!

I'm agreeing with the NAACP organization which doesn't think DePasse's lame apology is enough.

This stuff has gone too far and people like him finally need to be taught a lesson.


U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama today fired back at the South Carolina Republican activist who referred to her as being descended from apes.

“It’s sad that there are those who still harbor such hate in their hearts, but I forgive him,” Mrs. Obama said.

Saying that forgiveness was “part of the change my husband and I believe in,” the First Lady quickly changed her tune, though, and went after Rusty DePass, the S.C. Republican activist whose unfortunate comment last Friday has once again put our state in the national spotlight … and not in a good way.

“It’s not his fault he lives in the most ass-backwards state in America,” Mrs. Obama said of DePass.

“Wowzers,” Sic Willie replied. “Wowzers, Michelle.”

“My husband and I went to Harvard,” Obama continued. “I bet most of the mouth breathers in this state can’t even spell Harvard.”

Of course … we’re obviously kidding.

The real Michelle Obama never said any of that.

(We repeat - the real Michelle Obama never said any of that).

A cartoon version of the First Lady did, though … in a taped appearance on the wildly-popular computer-generated South Carolina talk show, FITS Makes News.

Becoming the first guest to put the inappropriately-mouthy, computer-generated Sic Willie in his place, Mrs. Obama received wild applause from the audience as well as a rare, roof-raising serving of Dum Spiro Spero (South Carolina’s motto - “While I breathe, I hope”) from our founding editor.

It’s the FMN interview you literally cannot afford to miss …

Huffington Post----

His Lame Apology.

South Carolina GOP activist and former chairman of the state elections commission Rusty DePass has apologized for saying a gorilla that escaped from a zoo was an "ancestor" of Michelle Obama.

The controversy started when FITSNews, a local politics Website, obtained a screengrab of DePass's comment on Facebook.

After an aide to state Attorney General Henry McMaster detailed the escape of the gorilla from Columbia's Riverbanks Zoo, DePass responded with a comment: "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."

DePass later admitted to WIS News that he was referring to Michelle Obama and said, "I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest."

DePass, who was a county co-chair for Rudy Giuliani's 2008 campaign, supported the push to impeach President Bill Clinton in the late 90s, writing in an op-ed for The State, "Do Republicans have higher moral standards than Democrats?"

Sources: Huffington Post, FITNews, Essence, WIS News, South Carolina Politics Todays, The State, CNN, MSNBC, NAACP, The New Yorker

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