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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Iranian Revolution Created Cyberwars...Government Imposed Media Blackout Didn't Work!


There are currently two revolutions taking place in Iran right now. The uprising on the ground and in Cyberspace.

In many ways we're seeing the first real, kind of Cyber War of the 21st century.

Its not Silicon Valley or Langley, instead these are individuals somewhere in a basement or some parent's garage, using the internet in the way they see fit.

Its changing the way that government can react to these kinds of protests.

Its had a huge effect in the way that Iran can respond to these demonstrations.

Imagine if in 1989 we had Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

I don't think there would have been a Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Author Reza Aslan.....June 19, 2009

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Sources: MSNBC, Cincinnati Mercantile, Now Public, Boing Boing, Google Maps

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