Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kenneth Lewis Rubber Stamps Elaine Marshall, She Doesn't Deserve It (Deals)

Yesterday former candidate for U.S. Senate (Dem) Kenneth Lewis (an African-American) endorsed Elaine Marshall, Cal Cunningham's rival in the upcoming N.C. Democratic nominee U.S. Senate run-off election.

I would like for someone to please name ONE thing Elaine Marshall has actually done for North Carolina's Black Voters?

I mean really show me or tell me one thing!

I'll wait.

What's that I hear? Crickets?

Last news (or rumor) I heard about Elaine Marshall (current N.C. Secretary of State) was that she scrutinizes Black North Carolina Notary Public applicants more heavily than White applicants.


That she rejects more Black North Carolina Notary Public applicants than White applicants. This includes Black North Carolina Notaries applying to have their commissions renewed.

With that said can someone please tell me one thing she has done to help North Carolina's Black community?

Lewis' endorsement of Marshall is just another example of scared Southern Black Politicians rubber stamping N.C. Democrat Incumbents for the sake of attracting Black Voters.


His endorsement could be the result of some sort of backroom deal.
Maybe Marshall promised Lewis a job in Washington, D.C. if he supports her and delivers the Black vote to her on a silver platter.


Both Lewis and Marshall could just be angry and vindictive that the national Democratic Campaign Committee chose to back Cal Cunningham instead of them.

Who knows? It could be a combination of all three theories.

At least Cal Cunningham fought for our Freedom overseas while serving in the U.S. Army Reserves.

But what has Elaine Marshall done for ALL Americans?

In case anyone forgot serving yourself and your buddies doesn't count.

Lewis claimed during a forum in March of this year "We can't change a broken Senate simply by sending career politicians to Washington".

Excuse me!

But as N.C. Secretary of State for several years, isn't Elaine Marshall already an Incumbent and a Career Politician??

Man this guy (Ken L.) is so FAKE!

No wonder he lost the primary.

Now do you understand why I no longer throw my weight behind North Carolina's Black Politicians?

This is so sad but what's even sadder is the majority of North Carolina's Black Voters lack courage or guts to use their own minds when casting ballots in state and general elections.

Why do Black Voters need a Black Political Caucus organization or a Black "sell-out" Politician who really couldn't care less about their well-being (unless they run in Elite circles), to tell them whom to support for Public Office?

Most of North Carolina's Black Politicians are "Uncle Tom" sell-outs who only care about themselves and getting their palms greased anyway.

Didn't God Almighty give each Human Being born on planet Earth a mind of his or her OWN, to make their OWN decisions??

People please vote responsibly when you visit the polls this Fall.

For the record I am voting for Richard Burr however....

If I were voting for a Democrat U.S. Senate Candidate from this region it would definitely be Cal Cunningham NOT Elaine "Incumbent, hasn't done anything for North Carolina's Black citizens" Marshall!

Thanks for checking out the story related video and article below.

"I prefer Liberty with danger than Peace with Slavery". - Jean
Jaqueas Rousseau

"A Slave is one who waits for someone else to Free him". - Rosellen

Former Rival Kenneth Lewis Endorses Marshall In U.S. Senate Bid

Former U.S. Senate candidate Ken Lewis on Wednesday endorsed campaign rival Elaine Marshall in her runoff for the Democratic nomination in North Carolina and chided the party's leadership for meddling in the process.

Lewis said he was particularly impressed with the conviction and courage shown by Marshall, North Carolina's secretary of state, even as Democratic officials in Washington put their support behind the other remaining candidate, Cal Cunningham. He praised Marshall for her ability to organize grass roots support and to appeal to a broad range of voters.

"I believe that to win this fall, Democrats will have to do both," Lewis said, as Marshall and her supporters stood nearby. "And Secretary Marshall provides us with a demonstrably stronger opportunity to do just that."

The endorsement provides a key push for Marshall, who didn't win enough votes earlier this month to oust Cunningham. They now face a June 22 runoff. Lewis finished third, carrying 17 percent of voters.

The Chapel Hill attorney spent much of his campaign casting himself as a political rookie who would be the best agent for change. Though largely cordial during the primary campaign, he pushed that message as a way to distance himself from Cunningham and Marshall.

"We can't change a broken Senate simply by sending career politicians to Washington," Lewis said during a March forum.

Lewis said during Wednesday's news conference that he has since had more conversations with Marshall and believes she will be able to lead in Washington.

He continued to pound on a message of insider politics by questioning the role the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee played in recruiting Cunningham instead of letting North Carolina voters choose a candidate, declaring that they had been "trying to exercise undue influence in our nominating process."

Lewis said there is a view among some voters that a candidate needs to be anointed by the committee.

"That is moving the perception of power from the people to Washington insiders," Lewis said in an interview. "I'm concerned about that."

Lewis plans to campaign for Marshall, but said he would also campaign for Cunningham if he won the run-off. He said some Lewis campaign staff members are joining Marshall's campaign.

Cunningham spokesman Jared Leopold spun the endorsement another way, saying the candidate respects Lewis' decision but that the election will be up to North Carolina voters.

"On June 22nd, voters will have a clear choice between a career politician and a new generation of leadership," he said.

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Sources: WRAL, McClatchy Newspapers, Black Political Caucus, Daily Kos,, Google Maps

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