Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kenneth Lewis Violates Campaign Finance Laws, Attacks Cunningham

Ken Lewis Is Late On Campaign Finance Reports

The Federal Election Commission has sent a letter to the Senate campaign of Ken Lewis admonishing them for failing to file its latest campaign finance report on time.

The FEC said that Ken Lewis' campaign had not filed a report listing their donations and expenditures for the period of April 1 through April 14th as required by law, Rob Christensen reports.

Sam Swartz, a Lewis campaign spokesman, said the campaign had not seen the letter.

The letter, dated April 23, signed by Debbie Chacona, assistant staff director of the FEC's reports analysis division, is on file online at the FEC site.

Ken Lewis Launches Negative Ad

In the first attack ad of North Carolina’s Democratic U.S. Senate primary, Ken Lewis knocks rival Cal Cunningham as someone who "says one thing then does another behind closed doors."

The radio ad — which as of Wednesday had yet to air — comes less than a week before the May 4 primary. It also comes a day after a poll showed Lewis, a Chapel Hill lawyer, trailing Cunningham, a former state senator, and Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, Jim Morrill of The Charlotte Observer reports.

The ad involves an effort by the N.C. Banking Commission to award of bonuses to bank regulators. Commissioners discussed the bonuses last year in a conference call.

After the issue came up at a debate this month, Cunningham told reporters he’d left the call before the subject came up. But Lewis produced a transcript that shows Cunningham was on the call for at least some of the bonus discussion.

In earlier statements, Lewis has criticized Cunningham for what he calls inconsistencies. Spokesman Sam Swartz said the ad will be put into the rotation of ads running on mostly on black-oriented urban radio stations.

Cunningham spokeswoman Angela Guyadeen calls the ad "a desperate attempt by a candidate lagging in the polls to throw mud and distract voters from the real issues."

"(Cunningham) wasn’t on the conference call when the vote on bonuses took place, and no bonuses were ever awarded," she said Wednesday.

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Sources: Facebook, Federal Election Commission, McClatchy Newspapers, Google Maps

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